Traumatized By School
What Is Learning? Laurie Spigel What Is Learning? Laurie Spigel

Traumatized By School

How many of us are walking around scarred by our school experiences?

In an article entitled Seven Sins of Our System of Forced Education, Peter Gray referred to school as prison. He's not the only one to make this comparison, having heard school referred to this way by students themselves! In his article, Dr. Gray explains that the school system is guilty of seven sins, including: the denial of liberty, the fostering of shame and hubris, interference with self-direction, linking learning with fear, and more.

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Ten Reasons Why Self-Directed Learning Works So Well
Homeschooling Help Laurie Spigel Homeschooling Help Laurie Spigel

Ten Reasons Why Self-Directed Learning Works So Well

I discovered the child-led approach simply by paying attention to what worked. If my child wasn’t interested, learning simply didn't happen. You can’t force someone to want something, but a good teacher’s enthusiasm can be contagious, and it is possible to inspire interest.

But why go to such lengths when interest is already present? Skills in reading, writing, analysis, communication, presentation (and more), are much easier to acquire when the student’s interest is at the center. Yet I was unprepared for the real results of this approach. My children found their direction much earlier than I had thought possible, seeking higher learning in their chosen areas when they were barely middle school age.

With that in mind, here are 10 reasons why self-directed learning works so well:

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