Looking for books on the topics of homeschooling and alternative education? You’re in the right place!

Did you ever change your plans spontaneously, in the moment? 

For an entire group?

Have you ever felt frustrated that a learning or teaching experience wasn't working, and wished it was different?

Did you ever ask your children or students what they wanted to learn and put that at the center of their education?

Laurie Block Spigel did all these things and more with her students. Here she reveals her personal experiences, when and where these things occurred, and what she did in each situation. Spigel created environments and curriculum where child-led learning could flourish. Here she shares her journey, doubts, fears, surprises both good and bad, and the ultimate rewards that spring from game-based, personalized education.

Learn the author's Magic Formula that makes every class a satisfying experience.

Learn about games as problem solvers that open students' minds and help them face anything.

Create your own curriculum or use the curriculum in this book, driven by questions and interests of students, aimed at creative outcomes that invite individual expression.

Educators, parents and learners of all ages will be enlightened and inspired by Letting Them Lead.

Letting Them Lead is now available in e-book and in print. Order your copy now!

Price: e-book $14.99, paperback $19.99

This book isn’t just for the frustrated parent, teacher, or homeschooler. This book is for EVERYONE.

Education Uncensored reveals the truth about education today.


  • A compelling personal memeir

  • about growing up in the world of

  • education

  • Why the current educational system has it all backwards

  • The truth about testing and assessments

  • The four levels of teaching How to use your environment and take schooling beyond your four walls

  • Tips on every subject including history lessons with techniques used by real historians

  • Teaching games that really work

Sample chapter: "A Balancing Act of Feeding the Brain" (pdf format)

Read an excerpt, as printed in the NYCHEA newsletter (pdf format)

Read what people are saying about this book

Price: $12.95