Ten Steps to Successful Homeschooling
Laurie Spigel Laurie Spigel

Ten Steps to Successful Homeschooling

Homeschooling can feel overwhelming, especially at first. When I started homeschooling, I didn't know the first step to take. I didn't know what the law was, how to do the required paperwork, how to choose (or create!) a curriculum, or how to find sports and group activities for my son. It took me a month to find NYCHEA because it wasn't listed under the word homeschooling. And then, slowly, with the help of a wonderful support group, I found my way.

Over the past two decades I have sorted through the advice of teachers, parents and friends, and now, through the miracle of hindsight, I feel that I know just what the right steps are to take. I hope that this list will help others who are just starting down this path.

If you have any questions on homeschooling, just ask!

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