Ten Reasons Why Self-Directed Learning Works So Well
I discovered the child-led approach simply by paying attention to what worked. If my child wasn’t interested, learning simply didn't happen. You can’t force someone to want something, but a good teacher’s enthusiasm can be contagious, and it is possible to inspire interest.
But why go to such lengths when interest is already present? Skills in critical thinking, making connections, reading comprehension, writing, analysis, communication, presentation, problem solving, and more, are easier to develop when the student’s interest is at the center. Yet I was unprepared for the real results of this approach. My children found their direction much earlier than I had thought possible, seeking higher learning in their chosen areas when they were barely middle school age. Students encouraged to pursue their curiosity and interests often become experts in their chosen subject long before applying to college. Satisfying their thirst for a specific knowledge, they turn into lifelong learners who love to learn.
Here are 10 reasons why self-directed learning works so well:
When interest and curiosity are present, LEARNING IS ALREADY HAPPENING.
When the student is genuinely interested, learning is fun.
When learning is fun, the mind is playful and fully engaged.
With full engagement and playfulness, creativity, problem solving, and research are more enjoyable and ultimately fruitful.
Interest equals motivation. Self-directed learning is intensified, deeper and more meaningful than imposed or forced learning. More information is learned and applied and there is a greater retention of information.
Unexpected results, often surpassing expectations, happen when curiosity is alert and allowed to lead.
Actively following one’s own interests results in connecting with others of like mind, often regardless of age, background, and geographical location.
The pursuit of what we love endures, leading to extended learning experiences. This results in opportunities, confidence, and expertise.
Self-directed learning allows us to be ourselves, encourages self-discovery, and leads to self-awareness.
Ultimately, we each choose our own direction in work and in life. Self-directed learning gives us an early start. Others suffer through a standardized enforced education, waiting for their “real” learning to begin.
Recommended books on self-directed learning (the following contains affiliate links):
Letting Them Lead: Adventures in Game-Based, Self-Directed Learning by Laurie Block Spigel
The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education by Grace Llewellyn
Unschooling: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Convention Classroom by Kerry McDonald
Raising Free People: Unschooling as Liberation and Healing Work by Akilah S. Richards
A Different Way to Learn: Neurodiversity and Self-Directed Education by Naomi Fisher
Free online curricula and examples of interest-based curricula on the Resources Page