What to Say to the Naysayers
Laurie Spigel Laurie Spigel

What to Say to the Naysayers

What do you say when people question you, judge you, and don’t believe you? What do you say to the naysayers? As a homeschooler and alternative educator, I have encountered many false judgments and one-sided questions. Here are some of my responses.

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Ten Steps to Successful Homeschooling
Laurie Spigel Laurie Spigel

Ten Steps to Successful Homeschooling

Homeschooling can feel overwhelming, especially at first. When I started homeschooling, I didn't know the first step to take. I didn't know what the law was, how to do the required paperwork, how to choose (or create!) a curriculum, or how to find sports and group activities for my son. It took me a month to find NYCHEA because it wasn't listed under the word homeschooling. And then, slowly, with the help of a wonderful support group, I found my way.

Over the past two decades I have sorted through the advice of teachers, parents and friends, and now, through the miracle of hindsight, I feel that I know just what the right steps are to take. I hope that this list will help others who are just starting down this path.

If you have any questions on homeschooling, just ask!

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